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Holiday Hustle: A Practical Guide for Parents Dealing with Late Bedtimes This Christmas

The holidays, although amazing, can be an additional layer of work, stress and exhaustion for parents already bearing the weight of sleepless nights.

I'm here to acknowledge the real struggle many of us mums face - delicately balancing creating festive magic for our kids whilst feeling exhausted and overwhelmed.

Don't worry, I'm here to help. I've got practical tips to help you not only survive but thrive this Christmas. We will cover bedtimes, prioritising naps, optimising sleep environments, sleep schedules, naps on the go, over-tiredness and how to have a baby who sleeps AND a great Christmas this year.

baby bedtime battles, baby won't nap, missed nap

Let's unwrap my top tips to help you deal with bedtime during the holidays with ease;

Be The The Host and Nail Bedtime

Before you gasp at the thought of adding more to your plate, consider hosting but with a twist. Invite the festivities to your home and kindly ask guests to bring a dish and drinks. Your only tasks? A bit of house cleaning and making up beds for overnight guests. This way, your little ones get the chance to sleep on schedule in their own bed. Crank up the white noise, and you're ready for a (relatively) peaceful night.

Prioritise Your Sanity And Get Home For Bedtime

In those early parenting years, I embraced my inner party pooper. I'd bid farewell to the festivities early to ensure the kids got to bed before sh*t hit the fan. It may not be your pre-kids style, but trust me, your family won't be the ones waking at 2, 3, or 4 am with an overtired baby. To sweeten the deal, treat yourself and your partner to some special wine or food. Head home, tuck the kids into bed, and savor a moment of holiday cheer reserved just for you two. It's a surprisingly lovely tradition we have embraced for the last eight years.

Consider Staying Over For A Smoother Bedtime

While this might not be everyone's cup of tea, staying over offers the advantage of setting up a friend or family's spare room and ensuring your baby gets to bed on time. If you are a big homebody like me it's a big ask, but sometimes it's worth it for an easier nights sleep. Not committed to staying? My parents regularly "put us to bed" at friends houses, then transferred to the car and to our own beds once they had finished the festive fun. Risky, but rewarding! Despite our fears, kids are incredibly resilient in sleep and often slip back into a deep sleep once home. Don't stress if that means an extra feed or a little hands on settling. It's worth it.

Prepare For Bedtime To Be Late

If you know it's going to be a late night, consider letting your baby catch some extra Zs in the morning or during daytime naps. Extra snuggles in your bed during the festive period are not just okay; they're encouraged. We can always fine-tune your sleep habits in the new year.

Remember, this season is about creating memories, not stressing over your baby's sleep. Embrace the chaos, take a deep breath, and know that come the new year, we can tackle any sleep hurdles together. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a Sleep Filled New Year

Sydney sleep consultant, baby sleep tips, enhance sleep

Here at Enhance Sleep we understand mumlife is a beautiful yet exhausting and often chaotic journey.

With over two decades of experience in midwifery and sleep consulting (and two kids myself), my mission has been clear from the start; to support new parents. But my mission is bigger than just helping you sleep well. I believe these early years shouldn’t be a blur of exhaustion, anxiety and overwhelm. Parenting is challenging, but it doesn’t have to feel THIS hard, you just need the right advice. So if you find yourself having an ugly cry in the shower (IYKYK) you are not alone. You only get one shot at being a parent, let’s make it amazing. Click the "Contact Us" button, and let's chat.



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