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Baby sleep and daylight savings... what can you do to prepare??

Is it that time already? Is anyone else left wondering where the hell that year went!? Summer is just around the corner, and with it comes warmer weather, but I hate to tell you, the dreaded daylight savings too. Whether you’re feeling a flutter of anxiety or downright filled with dread, I’m here to help make the clock change feel easier. With a few simple steps, we can take the stress out of the transition and keep your baby’s sleep on track — no sleepless nights required!

The clocks SPRING FORWARD 1 hour on 6th October 2024

While it may not sound like much, for your baby’s sleep, that lost hour can feel like a bit of a curveball. A lot of mums I speak to feel nervous as the date creeps closer — and I get it! We don’t need any help feeling derailed, especially after just getting through the winter bugs and finally sleeping again, right? But don’t worry, I’m here to help make this transition a little easier...

So, what's happening?

In October, the clocks go back by one hour, meaning you technically “lose” an hour of sleep. 

Unfortunately that lost hour can muddle our sleep routines and see baby wake more overnight. Why? It’s all about the science of sleep. 

Don’t worry, I’m not going to bore you with big words and complicated explanations! All you really need to know is that the clock change messes with our internal body clock — otherwise known as our circadian rhythm. Think of it like jet lag; when the clocks go back, our bodies can’t quite keep up with the new time, and this is where the sleep disruption comes in.

The good news? There are simple things you can do to help your baby adjust quicker and more smoothly. It’s all about how you use light, food, and darkness to support their body clock’s transition. Having been a shift worker for far too long (night shifts on the labour ward!), I’ve perfected these three tips to get back on track. Let me explain...

Light - Your Secret Weapon

Light is one of the biggest signals to our bodies that it’s time to wake up. Try to expose your baby to as much natural light as possible in the morning. Here’s how; Open the curtains, go for a morning walk, or feed in a sunny window. This will help reset their body clock and get them in sync with the new time.

Food - Timing Is Everything

Believe it or not, mealtimes can also help your baby adjust to the clock change. Just like with sleep, gradually adjust when you feed your baby — whether that’s milk feeds or solids — to match the new time. Shifting mealtimes in 15-minute increments over the course of a week can help their body clock adjust.

Darkness - It's All About Sleep

When it’s time for sleep, darkness is your best friend. In the evenings, dim the lights and create a darker environment as you approach bedtime. This helps signal to your baby’s brain that it’s time to sleep, even if the clocks say otherwise. Blackout blinds are a must, especially at this time of year. 

That’s great Tess, but what about surviving the ACTUAL clock change. I hear you, mamma. II’ve explained how you can help baby’s body clock, but what about the actual clock change? Here’s my plan:     Proactive vs Reactive: What’s your style?


So how do we prepare your baby for daylight savings?


If you’re someone who loves a plan and currently has a great nap schedule (I see you, routine-lovers!), being proactive is a great option. Every second day, shift their sleep and wake times by 15 minutes. After eight days, your baby’s schedule will perfectly match the new time without them even realising it!

This is perfect for routine-loving mums, super-sensitive bubs, or anyone who’s just got sleep on track and doesn’t want to see it fall apart.

For example, if your baby usually wakes at 7:00 AM, shift it to 6:45 AM for two days, then 6:30 AM, and so on. By the time the clocks change, they’ll be ready for the new time — no drama, no stress. This method gives you control and keeps things consistent, especially if your baby thrives on routine.


Now, if you’re more of a ‘wait and see’ mum and prefer to deal with changes as they come (no judgement here!), you can wait until after the clocks change to make any necessary adjustment. When the clocks go back, things might feel a little off for a day or two, but babies are resilient and usually bounce back within a week. Slowly nudge their routine back into place after the clocks have changed.

This is great for the ‘every day is different’ mums or adaptable, chill babies. Heck, if sleep has gone to 💩, this might be a good option for you — it can’t get worse, right?


No matter how you tackle it, you’ve now got the plan and tips to make it easier. You know your baby best so roll with it and know I’m right there in the thick of it with two of my own kids! I will see you on the other side! Want to get a step by step guide for your milk, meals and naps.... get the guide and click the link below


I know daylight savings can feel like one more thing to mess with your sleep. If you’re feeling overwhelmed or unsure how to manage your baby’s sleep, I’m here to help. Book a call, and we’ll walk through your current routine and put together a plan that works for your family. Your baby can sleep well, you just need the right advice. 



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